martes, 16 de junio de 2015

Iglesia de San Franciso de Quito

Iglesia de San Francisco de Quito was the first church in Quito. The church took more than 100 years to built. Scientist have discover that the church was constructed on top of an Inca temple.

In this two pictures you can contemplate the inner and outer part of the church. You can notice that it is really shiny and has a lot of incredible details. You can find extra videos and pictures in the following website:
In the picture above you can see where the church is located. you can find more locations in Google Maps. in the following video you are gonna observe the church.

lunes, 15 de junio de 2015

Plaza de la independencia

Plaza de la independencia is also known as Plaza grande. To get to the plaza grande you can get a Trole. If you want know the history of Plaza de la Independecia enter this website and you will learn so much history Plaza de la Independencia is a really nice place with a statue in the middle. In the following picture you will see
           if you can see their is the statue in the first picture.
                                          Its a really nice when there is sun. 
You will be able to see the location of this plaza in the following picture.
in the preview video you can contemplate the amazing city of Quito.

domingo, 14 de junio de 2015

Capilla del Hombre

Capilla del hombre is one of the most important works of art in South America. La capilla del hombre is Guayasamin's.
 This is capilla del hombre form the inside, it is amazing.
This si Capilla del Hombre from the outside, a really unique structure.
if you see this picture you can see where is located, at the north of Quito.
If you go to this website you can learn a lot more of this beautiful place.
if you see this video you will have a bigger idea of knowledge of the structure.

sábado, 13 de junio de 2015

La Ronda

La Ronda is a beautiful street. It is close to El Panceillo. "La Ronda Quito became the home of poets, musicians and politicians who left their mark in Ecuador history"(Calle la ronda quito). The houses are build right to each other. Is a traditional street.
 There you have some pictures of the amazing street.
If you go to you will learn a lot more of this incredible place. For you to be able to locate yourself you van see the picture of google maps.
You can also look the attached video. (recommended to take camera)
La Ronda Quito became the home of poets, musicians and politicians who left their mark on Ecuadorian history. - See more at:
La Ronda Quito became the home of poets, musicians and politicians who left their mark on Ecuadorian history. - See more at:

viernes, 12 de junio de 2015

La casa precidencial

La Casa Precidencial was build in 1650. In 1920 it was burned down to be re build. If you want to visit La casa precidencial you need to look a schedule because it is not avaible when the president is staying there.
                                       This is La casa precidencial. A really nice palace., If you go to this webpage it will give a lot more information. If you see the picture of the bottom you will be able to see the location.
See this video to learn more about la casa precidencial, and amazing place to go visit at.

jueves, 11 de junio de 2015


Basilica is an amazing church.
                                 This is the church form the inside. Prepare your cameras.
Basilica is not only nice from the inside but also from the outside, is an incredible structure that hs the biggest bells towers of the country. if you climb the clock tower you will be surprised with a unique view, your are gonna be shocked. if you ant some more information please go to:
This church is one of the most incredible places to go in tour in Quito, Ecuador. This is the location of the church for you to know.
If you see the preview video you will also be able to see most of the church and its view.